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No Wildlife, Please: How to Protect Your Property From Pests

October 11, 2017

You didn’t set up your guest room for a family of squirrels. Or finish your basement to provide a playroom for mice. Yet, as winter approaches, many pests are seeking a good place to nest for the season. If they choose your home, your property may suffer significant damage. Chewed wires, damaged drywall, and shredded insulation are a few potential problems.

To avoid this damage, and the resulting homeowners insurance claims, take the following steps to pest-proof your home:

  1. Remove the welcome mat: Mice only need a quarter-inch hole to enter your space. And you’d be surprised at the spaces other critters can wriggle into. Some pest management companies may offer a free inspection of your garage, roof, and basement; if any unwanted openings are inviting the outdoors in, complete the necessary repairs or seals to block off access. Quickly.
  2. Clear the clutter: Walk around the exterior of your home. Are there piles of trash, leaves, or construction materials around your foundation’s perimeter? Remove them. Piled next to your house, these invite both rodents and bugs to expand into your home.
  3. Trim it up: Branches that hang close to your roofline offer easy jumps from trees onto your home. Trim branches away from your house to prevent squirrels from moving in and starting families. This also helps protect your home from the tree itself. In high winds, branches close to your home can easily damage the roof, siding, or windows.

Keep pesky critters at bay and avoid the need to make an insurance claim.