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Must Haves for a Strong Financial Foundation

July 24, 2024

As a general guideline, the journey to becoming independent from financial burden and the freedom it brings stems from creating a surplus between your income and expenses. There are many ways to do this, but there are a few building blocks that allow for the ability to have more income than you spend.

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Top 3 Considerations Before Joining the FIRE Movement

July 17, 2024

If the idea of retiring in your early 50s, 40s, 30s, or even late 20s appeals to you, you may be interested in joining the FIRE retirement movement. But here are a few important considerations to make before deciding if the FIRE program may be right for you.

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young couple tossing paperwork in the air as they celebrate financial freedom

3 Simple Ways to Achieve Financial Goals

July 9, 2024

The most rewarding goals often take time and effort to achieve. All that hard work makes it worth it when you finally get there! Here are three simple steps to help you define and quantify your goals,
which in turn will bring you closer to achieving them.

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Your Mid-Year Financial Check In

June 13, 2024

With the first half of the year in the rearview mirror, summertime is a great chance to touch base. A mid-year financial review can help to take stock of your accomplishments thus far and uncover any needs for adjustments.

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Retirement Plan Choices for Small Businesses

May 31, 2024

As a small-business owner, figuring out retirement choices can be a little intimidating. How do you pick the most appropriate retirement plan for your business as well as your employees?

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